Saturday, May 21, 2016


Hold up, hold up…Vegan pancakes that are actually delicious?! YES my friend. They are not only delicious, but super easy to make to! 

You might be wondering why wouldn’t I just make a regular pancake batter, I mean…what’s wrong with eggs, right?? Well, did you know that it is illegal to call eggs nutritious, healthful/healthy or safe? The Egg Industry simply cannot use these terms to describe eggs. Why? Because for a food item to be labeled healthy under FDA rules it has to be low in saturated fat (1g or less per 100g) and have less than 90g of cholesterol per serving - eggs fail that test. In fact, even half an egg fails that criteria. 

If you don’t care that much about the nutrition, you might want to re-consider buying eggs anyway. Why you ask? Did you know that the industry crams 6-10 birds in cages the size of a file cabinet their whole lives? But when providing footage to the media the American Egg Board instructs: “Do not show multiple birds in cages- they look crowded and open us up to activist criticism.” or “Make sure the farm doesn’t look huge and very commercialized. That would be an open door for activists and critics of large animal agriculture operations and business.” Another thing worth mentioning is that baby male chicks get ground-up alive and are fed to their mothers, or get thrown out in the trash, left to suffocate or starve to death. 

Alright, let's make some delicious cruelty-free pancakes!


What You Will Need*

-1 Cup Whole Grain Flour
-1 Cup Non Dairy Milk (I use flax milk)
-1 Tablespoon Baking Powder 
-1/4 Teaspoon Salt
-2 Tablespoons Agave Nectar / Maple Syrup / or 3 Tablespoons Vegan Sugar
-1 Teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract 
-2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil

*double for the amount shown in the picture. 

I just throw everything in a medium bowl, mix it, pour 1/4 cup on a small non stick pan (no oil), fry each side for two minutes or so on low-medium and voila! 

I’ve had many people message me after posting this one on my Instagram and telling me how much they love it, so it’s not just me! 
